Friday, August 19, 2011

Not a Good Day

Well, today was very disappointing......
On Friday's I usually have a personal training session which I started up almost two months ago to try and shift all the unwanted pregnancy weight that seems to have taken hold and won't let go no matter how hard I try. Well, I couldn't go today because I woke up feeling so nauseated and had a migraine from hell! Very unhappy.
Funnily enough it's one of the simple things I look forward to the most every week and now I feel extremely deflated because I couldn't go this week. Oh well, I'll have to try and work twice as hard next week now :-)
I actually haven't been to the gym once this whole week which makes me feel even more guilty. At least I can hope that I'll get more use out of my time starting from next week as I have discussed with my boss that I want to drop back down to working only two days a week like I originally planned when I went back from maternity leave. I somehow got sucked into working an extra day from home but with a small baby it was taking me up to three days just to get one day worth of work done!! This in turn meant no study time was being put aside and don't even mention time for housework!
So, as of next week hopefully life will be a little less stressful and I can enjoy our bub a little more by giving up that extra work day. Financially it won't be so good but I guess you always manage somehow......
At least I got some good cuddle time in with bub today while I was feeling sick. He seems to know to behave when I'm not well which I'm so thankful for. The rest of the fur-kids were happy too judging by the fact there were two dogs and two cats sharing the bed all day with me and bub because they wanted the warmth. Needless to say it was very cosy!

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