Thursday, August 25, 2011

Book Review - 'Red Dog' by Louis de Bernieres

The book 'Red Dog' is a very lighthearted read that you can get through in pretty much one sitting.
It's an interesting account of life back when everyone was friendly and a local dog could be known by a whole town and cared for by anyone. It makes you kind of sad when you think about how strict we have all become nowadays in relation to our dogs and where they can walk, where they can be off leash, etc, etc, and made me feel a bit of a longing for a time like that portrayed in this book again.
It's nice to read how a dog can manage to become a companion that is worth giving up your time and money for an putting yourself out just to help him. Being a dog lover myself reading stories like this really get to me.
I am absolutely amazed at how many kilometres this dog must have travelled in his short life and still managed to stay relatively safe. It's almost mind boggling!
All in all it's a good little short read to pass some extra time and leave you with a feel-good feeling at the end as well as an appreciation for an animal that so many people take for granted.
Rated: 4 out of 5 stars.

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